Fabric deployment tool


It provides a basic suite of operations for executing local or remote shell commands (normally or via sudo) and uploading/downloading files, as well as auxiliary functionality such as prompting the running user for input, or aborting execution.

Typical use involves creating a Python module containing one or more functions, then executing them via the fab command-line tool.


To configure Fabric for Socraticqs2 project you need to copy fab_settings.py.example file to fab_settings.py:

cp fab_settings.py.example fab_settings.py

Then you need to specify virtualenv name by setting env.venv_name variable. By default it is setted to _ve_socraticqs2.

Example fab_settings.py file:

"""Settings for Fabric.


- env.venv_name: name of the current virtualenv
from fabric.api import env

env.venv_name = '_ve_socraticqs2'

Fabric database tasks

Database tasks are tasks that help to automate typical database actions.

There are three DB tasks:

  • db.init
  • db.backup
  • db.restore

To list all available tasks:

fab --list

All tasks makes decision about DB engine given from Django settings and performs appropriate actions.

Init DB task


fab db.init

This task performs following actions:

  1. DROP database given from Django settings
  2. CREATE new database with name given from Django settings
  3. Apply all migrations
  4. Load fixture data
  5. Deploy FSMs

Backup DB task


fab db.backup[:custom_branch_name]

This task performs following actions:

  1. DROP database given from Django settings
  2. CREATE new database with name given from Django settings
  3. psql pg_dump > backup.postgres.custom_branch_name action for PostgreSQL and cp mysite.db backup.sqlite.custom_branch_name action for SQLite DB.

If custom_branch_name param is not presented task gets current git branch name and using it as a custom suffix for backup files.

Restore DB task


fab db.restore[:custom_branch_name]

This task performs following actions:

  1. DROP database given from Django settings
  2. CREATE new database with name given from Django settings
  3. psql < backup.postgres.custom_branch_name action for PostgreSQL and cp backup.sqlite.custom_branch_name mysite.db action for SQLite DB.

If custom_branch_name param is not presented task get current git branch name and using it as a suffix for backup files.

If task can not find backup file it will list for you all backup files available with specific DB engine given from Django settings, e.g.:

$ fab db.restore:custom_branch_name
[localhost] local: ls /path/to/proj/backups/backup.postgres.custom_branch_name
ls: cannot access /path/to/proj/backups/backup.postgres.custom_branch_name: No such file or directory
There is no requested backup file.
[localhost] local: ls backups
Below you can find available backup files:
