Installing ReLaTeX

Obtaining ReLaTeX

  • You can either download the latest release of ReLaTeX from its GitHub downloads page;
  • or you can get the very latest code commits using Git, directly from the ReLaTeX’s GitHub page. (This requires using Git).


ReLaTeX is a pure Python package; you need Python to run it. You can either just run the downloaded script directly (no install step required), or you can run its script to install it on your system. Both options have advantages and disadvantages:

Option 1: Running directly (no install step required)

You can just run directly like this:

python /path/to/ plos my.tex
  • advantage: this way, it knows where its templates directory is (in the same place where is), so you can specify a standard template just by giving its name, e.g. plos.

  • disadvantage: ReLaTeX requires the Python Jinja2 package. You either have to have Jinja2 already installed, or install it yourself via your system’s software installer, or Python’s mechanisms such as easy_install and pip, e.g.:

    sudo pip install Jinja2

(leave out sudo if you are installing to a location you have write privileges for).

Option 2: Installing into your system libraries

In the downloaded relatex directory run:

sudo python install

(leave out sudo if you are installing to a location you have write privileges for).

  • advantage: assuming your Python has setuptools, this will attempt to automatically install Jinja2 for you, if it is not already installed.

  • disadvantage: you will have to specify the path to your desired template file, e.g.: /path/to/relatex/templates/plos my.tex